Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Latest Completed Tanjore Painting


  1. hi anandhi.......its very nice to hear tat u love south india and their styles...Even i am very interested in tanjore paintings and learning too..i think this website will useful for u also http://www.tarangarts.com/tanjore-paintings/c-1.html

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Thanks for the information... I really love your blog posts... specially those on Home decor shops in Chennai, Tanjore arts online, Tanjore Painting

  4. History of Tanjore painting:

    Tanjore Art takes its origin form the murals of the Vijayanagar period (1500-1600 AD) acquired its robust forms, architectural details and vibrant colors in this period.

    The Maratha rule in the next two centuries brought a distinctive style change to the paintings.

    Royal Maratha artists combined the existing mural style with amazing details characterized by the exquisite workmanship of precious stones and gold leaves.

    The Tanjore painting was practiced by two main communities namely - the Rajus of Tanjore & Trichy, the Naidus of Madurai.

    With the decline of dynastic rule, the artists (Rajus), divided into 3 groups one heading to Vuyaioor, second group to Mysore, and the third stayed on at Tanjore.

    The styles developed were slightly different from each other. The emphasis at Tanjore was on studded gems & gold leaves. At Vuyaioor importance was on decorative garland. In Mysore the emphasis was on intricate painting.
